Register for Classes
Welcome to the next semester of your college career. We look forward to working with you on a successful plan to accomplish your goals. A big part of this process is completing registering for classes and ensuring your schedule matches your goals.

New Students
Register with an advisor.
New student registration requires that you work directly with your assigned academic advisor to register for classes. Your assigned advisor will be located on your campus and will work with you to create your class schedule.
Choose your campus below, and you will be taken to that campus’s orientation and registration, where you can choose a live on-campus session that is best for you or make an appointment directly with your advisor.
Hibbing Registration
Itasca Registration
Mesabi Range – Eveleth Registration
Mesabi Range – Virginia Registration
Rainy River Registration
Vermilion Registration
Return Students
Register now ormeet with an advisor.
It is highly recommended that you discuss your plans with your advisor. Schedule an appointment with your advisor here.