Registration & Orientation
We are excited you chose to HEAD NORTH to Eveleth, MN. Faculty and staff welcome you to our academic learning community and feel confident by being part of the Minnesota North – Mesabi Range Eveleth student body, your future educational goals will be met.

New Student Registration
New students can attend a group registration session, register via email, or register one-on-one including a tour of the campus.
Use the links below to sign up for an Eveleth on-campus registration session.
Monday, April 8 at 9:00 a.m.
Thursday, April 25 at 1:00 p.m.
Monday, May 6 at 10:00 a.m.
Wednesday, May 22 at 2:00 p.m.
Tuesday, June 4 at 11:00 a.m.
Wednesday, June 26 at 11:00 a.m.
To register with your advisor via email or set up a one and one registration please use the information below. If you email your advisor to register you, please inform them your name, which program you are pursuing, as well as your StarID.Contact your advisor to set up a registration time based on the program you are planning on attending.
Contact Matt Jarva ( if you are attending:
- Carpentry
- Construction Trades
- Electrical Controls and Maintenance
- Graphic Design Media
- Industrial Mechanical Technology
- Welding
Contact Sabrina Skeens ( if you are attending:
- Emergency Medical Technician (EMT)
- Emergency Medical Services Certificate
- Nursing Assistant
- Paramedic
- Practical Nursing
- Preprogram Courses
If you have questions, please contact Rosanne Omersa at 218-550-2615
Returning Student Registration
To register for carpentry, construction trades, electrical controls & maintenance, graphic design media, industrial mechanical technology, and welding, please contact:
Advisor: Matt Jarva
To register for EMT, EMS certificate, nursing assistant, paramedic, and practical nursing, please contact:
Advisor: Sabrina Skeens
If you are returning to college after not attending classes for one semester or more, you will have to reapply online.
Important Links
Below you will find important links to the welcome packet as a new or returning student. Please review each link to find important information to prepare for fall semester.
- Mesabi Range-Eveleth Campus Map
- Welcome letter from President Mike Raich
- Student Calendar
- FAFSA Tips
- College Store
- Managing your Student Account
- Scholarships
- Student Work-Study Steps
- Technology Guide
- TRIO Student Support Services
If you have questions, contact or (888)-223-8068.