All Students Welcome
Department of Student Life
The Mission of the Department of Student Life at Minnesota North College – Itasca is to assist the students in their journey to becoming responsible world citizens through co-curricular programs and activities that promote and develop college and community leadership.
Student Senate
Student Senate is the official governing voice of the student body.
Mission Statement: Itasca Student Senate is involved in the governing process of the college. As well as planning and hosting fun events, the Student Senate works to ensure that every student voice is heard and protects students’ rights.
Student Senate meets regularly throughout the year to:
- Meet with administration on campus issues when requested
- Inform students about campus decisions and opportunities
- Plan and initiate activities and student life programs
- Spark change and improvements on campus for the benefit of the student body
- Develop as student leaders
The Itasca Student Senate is made up of:
Student Senate consists of at least five (5) voting members and one (1) President.
Senate Positions:
- President
- Vice President
- Public Relations Coordinator
- Treasurer
- Director of Student Life
- Senate Members
- All Senators shall be students enrolled for at least six (6) credits at Itasca.
- All Senators shall adhere to the school Code of Conduct.
- Senator applicants must have a minimum 2.0 cumulative GPA.
- Senator applicants should show an interest in campus leadership.
To learn more about student senate duties and to apply see the “Constitution” and “Join Student Senate” sections.
Hunger Free Campus
Legislature passed the hunger free campus act in 2019 to address food insecurity on community and technical colleges. 45% of college students in the United States are food insecure, as shown in the 2020 #RealCollege national report.
The Itasca Campus was designated a hunger free campus in 2020 thanks to the hard work of the Itasca Student Senate, in collaboration with Itasca student services and administration. Itasca continues to maintain the on-gong criteria and support shown below:
- On Campus Food Pantry (located in Backes Hall)
- Emergency Grant Assistance
- SNAP benefit Information & Assistance
- Established Hunger Task Force
- Yearly Hunger Free Awareness Event
Click here to learn more about the Itasca Senate’s journey to becoming a Hunger Free Campus.
Civic Engagement
Itasca is committed to helping students be civically engaged. The Itasca Student Senate has been instrumental in assisting with voter initiatives and recognition of important civic dates.
- Constitution Day
- National Voter Registration Day
- Voter Education Week
- Help with voter registration
- Van shuttles on election day
Watch for future links to voter registration and civic educational tools.
Student Activities
The Student Senate is responsible for coordinating campus social life experiences, and oversees the student life committee. The student life committee represents the campus student clubs & organizations.
Student Senate strives to ensure a well-rounded student life experience, through:
- Support to the student life committee
- Coordinating campus-wide opportunities for social and learning engagement
- Creating an inclusive environment for student leadership development.
Make an Impact…
- Work with fellow Senate members and campus leadership to enhance the student experience through a robust student life program
- Be a part of strengthening current initiatives, and identifying need for new initiatives.
Be a Voice for Change…
- Provide critical student feedback to campus leadership on issues that impact students
- Work with fellow students for positive change that will strengthen the student experience on our campus
Grow While Serving…
- Strengthen leadership skills and build your resume
- Develop campus-wide connections with students, faculty, staff, and administrators
- Create a network of friends
Apply for Student Senate here!
Kim Damiani, 218-322-2370, kimberly.damiani@minnesotanorth.edu or
Lisa Marcis, 218-322-2439, lisa.marcis@minnesotanorth.edu
The Department of Student Life hosts many fun and informational events throughout the year.
Just for fun: Rock N Bowl (trip to the bowling alley); College Night at the Roller Rink; trip to the Pumpkin Patch, trip to Mt. Itasca for skiing, snowboarding, and tubing; Annual Spring Carnival; Welcome BBQ; and more!
To enhance student learning: Global Education Day, Black History Month, book clubs, guest speakers, and more!
All events are free for students. Make sure to follow us on social media and opt-in to texting to receive updates on events.
Intramural Sports
Intramurals such as football, volleyball, basketball, soccer, dodgeball and softball are offered at Itasca. An intramural schedule supplements the intercollegiate athletic program and provides students with opportunities for participation in intramural activities. Students who are not involved in intercollegiate athletics are encouraged to participate in these programs.
Contact Kim Damiani to check out equipment.
Outdoor Equipment
Located in the beautiful Northwoods, we have a passion for the outdoors at Itasca. Students will find access to outdoor equipment free of charge for them to use.
- Kayaks and Canoes
- Bikes
- Camping Equipment
- Snowshoes
Contact Kim Damiani to check out equipment.
Clubs and Organizations
Mission Statement: This is a club for billiards pool enthusiasts to practice, have fun, and compete. This club will be hosting events, tournaments, and fundraisers.
Contact: Shane Holm, 218-322-2396, shane.holm@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Black Student Alliance exists to support, create safety and comfort for, and amplify the voice of black students. The Alliance also exists to support educational opportunities and conversations with all students.
Contact: Ivan Bartha, 218-322-2380, ivan.barth@minnesotanorth.edu or
Jane Barrick, 218-322-2371, jane.barrick@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: We are a caring community passionate about connecting people with Jesus Christ! Focused on building a community within the campus–where all are welcome to join. We do this because we follow the principles of our faith in Christianity, and the example Jesus set for us. We care about meeting the basic needs of fellow students as proven by providing free meals at most of our meeting (need not attend meeting to have a meal). We further show what our faith teaches by caring about students’ basic needs through providing a non-judgmental environment where we build a community that actually cares about you as an individual and what struggles you face…as well as what accomplishments you achieve!
Contact: Marlo Gangi, 218-322-2446, marlo.gangi@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: Circle K is an organization devoted to involving college and university students in campus and community service while developing quality leaders and citizens. Circle K’s motto is: “Live to Serve, Love to Serve.”
Contact: Needs advisor (contact Kim Damiani for more info)
Mission Statement: The purpose of the Engineering Club is to support and encourage students interested in the field of engineering. The club will also support worthwhile extra-curricular projects and activities those students may choose to pursue.
Contact: Derek Fox, 218-322-2425, derek.fox@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The investment club provides opportunity for students to learn about various types of financial investments to help individuals meet their personal financial goals and improve overall financial literacy.
Contact: Nick Rothstein, 218-322-2428, nicholas.rothstein@minnesotanorth.edu or
Steve Kohorst, 218-322-2424, steven.kohorst@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: This club provides extra opportunities to students on campus and is a method to unite various fields of Natural Resources and to promote awareness of Natural Resources to all students.
Contact: Lee Kessler, 218-322-2356, leland.kessler@minnesotanorth.edu
Office: Dailey V113
Mission Statement: O-Gitch-I-Dah is an Ojibwe word which means “heroes” or “people who we depend upon to protect us.” This group strives to provide peer support and promote activities to increase the understanding of American Indian culture and heritage. The O-Gitch-I-Dah Club is open to all interested persons. Meeting dates will be posted in L126, the American Indian Learning Community, near entrance to Dailey Hall.
Contact: Harold Annette, 218-322-2353, harold.annette@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The National Honors Society for community college students, Phi Theta Kappa, recognizes students who maintain a high academic standing and who have demonstrated leadership and service learning in the college and community. Eligibility requirements are a 3.25 or higher cumulative G.P.A. and completion of at least 12 semester hours. PTK students are recognized at graduation and this distinction is noted on college transcripts.
Contact: Anna Francisco, anna.francisco@minnesotanorth.edu or
Amie Furlong, amie.furlong@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The purpose of this club is to promote open to anyone who wants to work their brain in other ways they might not be used to.
Contact: Brian Vroman, 218-322-2373, brian.vroman@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Student Nurses Association welcomes all pre-nursing and nursing students as members. The group fosters professional development for future nurses. Opportunities for leadership roles and educational events are provided. The club also contributes to various non-profit organizations in the community through fund-raising and volunteer efforts. Group members hold social events for students to help relax and re-energize throughout the semester. The Student Nurses Association welcomes students who are interested in nursing, pre-nursing students and/or in the Practical Nursing or Associate of Science in Nursing Program. The leadership of the SNA on each campus changes each year. If you would like more information about this club or would like to get in touch with the campus SNA president, please contact the Site Coordinator.
Itasca Campus Contact: Lynette How, 218-322-2365, lynette.how@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Psychology Club provides students an opportunity to expand their knowledge of psychology beyond the classroom. The club’s mission is to generate interest in and enthusiasm regarding psychology/human services, provide students with the opportunity to connect with faculty and peers, and promote active learning.
Contact: Marlo Gangi, 218-322-2424, marlo.gangi@minnesotanorth.edu
Psychology Lounge: 132 Wilson Hall
Mission Statement: SAGE is a social justice club invested in promoting equity for persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities. We discuss issues related to the LGBT+ community and participate in/host awareness events.
Contact: Drew Olson, andrew.olson@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Soccer Club exists to get people together, have fun, and discover a discipline that is not very common in the United States. The Soccer Club is open to all, regardless of skill level.
Contact: Ed Damiani, 218-322-2393
Mission Statement: The Society of American Foresters mission is to advance sustainable management of forest resources through science, education, and technology; to enhance the competency of its members; to establish professional excellence; and to use our knowledge, skills, and conversation ethic to ensure continued health, integrity, and use of forests to benefit society in perpetuity.
Contact: Lee Kessler, 218-322-2356, leland.kessler@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Society of Women Engineers club empowers women to achieve full potential in careers as engineers and leaders; expand the image of the engineering and technology professions as a positive force in improving the quality of life and demonstrating the value of diversity. Anyone is welcome to join, male or female, of all backgrounds to truly promote diversity. SWE organizes opportunities to network, further professional development, offers support for a minority group on campus, and recognizes all the great things that women contribute to STEAM related fields.
Contact: Crystal Smith, 218-322-2408, crystal.smith@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The Sustainability Club is a group of Itasca students and faculty who are determined to make campus a more sustainable place. We hope to implement more sustainable developments on campus by working on different creative ways to further our goal of building a greener environment.
Contact: Michelle Arnhold, 218-322-2416, michelle.arnhold@minnesotanorth.edu
Mission Statement: The purpose of Trail Club is to offer guided hiking, biking, snowshoeing, and cross-country skiing excursions on public trail systems throughout the Itasca area.
Contact: Jane Barrick, 218-322-2371, jane.barrick@minnesotanorth.edu
Looking for volunteer opportunties? Check out the link below to connect with Itasca area organizations who are actively looking for volunteers.
Director of Student Life: Kim Damiani
Office: Student Services, Backes Hall room CC106A
Call: 218.322.2370
Email: kimberly.damiani@minnesotanorth.edu
Facebook: Itasca Campus – Minnesota North
Instagram: @minnesotanorthitasca