Fall 2025 Registration is Now Open.

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Itasca Campus

Basic Needs

Itasca is committed to providing excellent educational opportunities
to the communities it serves. We recognize basic needs — including things like food,
housing and transportation — can have a direct impact on the well-being and success of our students.

Student looking at her laptop doing homework.

We’re here to help and support you.

To assist our community in meeting these needs, we’ve compiled the resources below. The information will be revised when appropriate and evolve as necessary.

If you have any questions about the resources our would like assistance connecting with them, please contact one of Itasca’s counselors.

Resources & Info

211 – Free and Confidential Services 24/7

Minnesota North College and Minnesota State have partnered with United Way 211 to establish a statewide basic needs resource hub. The basic needs resource hub provides all students access to basic needs resources and support available on campus and in the community via phone, text, or chat 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

United Way 211 provides free and confidential health and human services information. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week to connect you with the resources and information you need. If you’re looking for information about services available in your community for you or a loved one, they can help.

Text MNHELP to 898-211(TXT211) or call 211 (toll free at 1-800-543-7709) to speak with one of their highly trained information and referral specialists. Your call is completely confidential, and they have call menus in English, Spanish, and Hmong. Interpreters are also available for any language.

Visit the 211 website to learn more or to explore resources and support that may be available.

To search the 211 database of basic needs resources online, please visit the MN State student basic needs website.

Accessibility and Disability Resources

Minnesota North College Accessibility/Disability Services

Minnesota Diversified Industries: MDI is an equal opportunity employer providing jobs for people with and without disabilities. If you are a job seeker with a disability and require reasonable accommodation to apply for a job opportunity, please contact a member of the human resources team at 651-699-8281.

Addiction Counseling

Childcare and Parenting

Financial Assistance and Emergency Grants

Emergency Loans and Grants: available through Itasca. Contact your advisor for assistance

Itasca Foundation: limited emergency funding available

Grand Rapids Area Community Foundation: numerous crisis funds available to
people experiencing crisis situations who need funding for certain expenses. Call 218-326-8565 or contact your advisor for assistance

Food Resources

Viking Food Pantry: Located in Backes Hall room 16

Open Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9am-10an and 11am-1pm and Tuesdays  from 10am-11am and 12pm-2pm and Thursdays from 12-1pm and 2pm-3pm. Contact Jackie Gallop for more information. jackie.gallop@minnesotanorth.edu

Community Café: provides a free three-course meal at two Itasca County locations
every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30-6:30pm.

Second Harvest Food Shelf: provides hunger relief for people living in Grand Rapids
and the surrounding area. Open Monday-Thursday 11:00am to 3:30pm and Friday 10:00am-1:00pm.

Ruby’s Pantry: open the third Monday of each month. Registration begins at 3:30pm. Food bundles available from 3:30-5:30pm.

SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program): students may be eligible for up to $208 a month in grocery food cards. Click the SNAP button for more info or meet with your advisor/counselor for assistance.

Healthcare Services

Housing and Utilities

Mental Health and Crisis Information

Military and Veteran’s Services

  • Itasca County Veteran’s Service Office
  • Veterans Crisis Line:  1-800-273-8255
  • VA Clinics and Medical Centers
    • Hibbing Community Based Outpatient Clinic 218-263-1400
    • Bemidji Community Based Outpatient Clinic 218-755-6360
    • Brainerd Community Based Outpatient Clinic  218-855-1115
    • Twin Ports (Superior) Community Based outpatient Clinic 715-392-9711
    • Minneapolis VAMC 612-725-2000
    • St Cloud VAMC 320-252-1670
    • Fargo VAMC 701-232-3241

Protective and Social Services

Technology and Internet Access

Limited IT Services are available in the McMahon Student Center


Work and Employment

Northeast Minnesota Office of Job Training (NEMOJT)– JET serves job seekers, including dislocated workers, people wishing to enter or re-enter the workforce, youth, and adults interested in training and education. Services include career planning and exploration, personalized job search strategies, funding for postsecondary education, and financial resources to support job search activities.  JET is located in the Grand Rapids Career Force Center.

Grand Rapids Career Force
1215 2nd Ave SE
Grand Rapids, MN  55744