Fall 2025 Registration is Now Open.

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Student Services

Business Office

Our business office can assist with questions on your student account, e-services, payment plans, and student employment.

Two women using computers on campus.

Business Office Hours

The Business Office is open Monday-Friday 7:30AM-4:00PM.

About the Business Office

We’re here to help you
manage college finances.

The Business Office can offer help with paying your bill, managing your student account, late fees, and student employment.

If you are looking for your scholarships or other aid questions, visit the Financial Aid page.

Student Account Information

Important Dates

Spring 2025 Important Dates

November 1, 2024 – First day to enroll in a Spring Term NelNet payment plan
January 13, 2025 – First day of Spring Semester
January 17, 2025 – Last day for students to meet spring term registration cancellation
January 17, 2025 – Last day to receive 100% refund of tuition and fees for students
who totally withdraw from Spring Term credit courses and last day of free add/drop
January 21, 2025 – Registration cancellations for students who do not meet
registration cancellation conditions
February 10, 2025 – Last day to receive partial refund (25%) of tuition and fees for
students who totally withdraw from Spring 2025 credit courses.
February 19, 2025 – Spring term accounts must be paid in full
February 20, 2025 – Spring term late fees ($50) applied to student accounts
February 20, 2025 – Latest date for Spring 2025 registration holds to be placed on
student accounts. Holds must be applied before registration for Summer 2025/Fall
February 23, 2025 – Last day to enroll in a Spring Term NelNet payment plan
May 15, 2025 – Last day of Spring Semester


StarID is a username that replaces many login IDs with one ID and one password.
The StarID is two letters, four numbers, and two letters, e.g. “ab1234cd”. Once you activate your StarID you can use it anywhere that accepts StarID across Minnesota State.

A StarID account lets you register for open public courses at any college and university within the Minnesota State system. Going forward, your StarID will be used to register for classes, check your grades, pay bills and many more features throughout your tenure as a Minnesota State student.


Students may visit the link below to access E-Services by entering your StarID and password. Note: Your StarID is 8 alphanumeric digits (two letters, four numbers, and two letters, e.g. “ab1234cd”)

Students can do to following when accessing their e-services account, available 24 hours per day and 7 days per week:

  • Enroll or manage a Nelnet payment plan
  • Manage / view your student employment (work study) information including entering time worked, viewing your earnings, viewing or downloading your W-2 tax form, and setting up or changing your direct deposit
  • Opt in to receive text messages
  • Enroll to view your tax form 1098-T (Tuition Statement) online
  • Allow someone else to view and pay your bills
  • Search and register for courses during the add/drop period
  • View registration logs and holds
  • Check your grades and view your unofficial transcript
  • Access the degree audit portal / view a degree audit report
  • Access your financial aid records
  • Set up direct deposit to receive financial aid overages and work study pay checks.
  • View your student account and make payments to any of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities institutions in which you have a current balance due

Tuition Reciprocity

Tuition Reciprocity agreements are in place between the state of Minnesota and the states of North Dakota, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri, and Nebraska exist. Students of these states as well as the provinces of Manitoba and Ontario are permitted to pay tuition at the agreed upon reciprocity rate.

The agreements reduce non-resident tuition process and eliminate non-resident admission barriers for residents of each state who attend a public institution in the other state.

Students wising to apply for reciprocity can learn more by visiting the Minnesota Office of Higher Education website below.

Reciprocity application forms are generally available from high school counselors or from your college student services office.

Frequently Asked Questions

Payment Dates

Your balance must be paid in full by the 25th day of class

If your balance is not paid in full by the 25th day of class a $50 late fee will be applied to accounts with balances of $100 or more and do not have a current and active NelNet payment plan.

What are my payment options?

  • Online through eServices.
  • In person at the campus Bookstore with cash, or credit /debit card
  • Setting up a NelNet Payment Plan
  • By telephone with a credit/debit card.
  • By mail with a check or money order made out to Minnesota North College.
    Mailed to:
    Minnesota North College
    Business Office
    1515 East 25th Street
    Hibbing, MN 55746

NelNet (Payment Plan)

To set up a payment plan for a current term balance access your eServices account and select Payment Plan. Several options are available. Enroll in the payment plan option that works for you.

The enrollment fee is $30 and credit/debit card or automatic bank payment (ACH) payments are processed on the 5th day of each month for fall and spring term. Payment plans are processed on the 15th day of each month for summer payment plans.There is a $30 fee if a payment is returned for nonsufficient funds.

A down payment is required when enrolling in a Nelnet payment plan. The down payment amount is based on the payment plan options available at the time of your enrollment. The down payment goes toward your overall balance and will and will be deducted immediately from the account provided on the agreement. If the down payment fails for any reason the agreement is terminated and notification is emailed to the person(s) responsible for payment.

You can also go to www.MyCollegePaymentPlans.com to learn more about Nelnet payment plans and / or enroll. Nelnet is available to answer questions 24 hours per day / 7 days per week by calling 1.800.609.8056.

To set up a payment plan for a balance due from a previous term contact your advisor or the business office. The enrollment fee for past due payment plans is $20 and credit/debit card or automatic bank payment (ACH) payments are processed on the 5th day of each month. There is a $30 fee if a payment is returned for nonsufficient funds.

Payments toward a Nelnet payment plan cannot be made via telephone.

If you need to adjust your Nelnet payment plan you can contact the business office via email at accounts.receivable@minnesotanorth.edu or calling 218.403.9201

Tuition Refunds

After the college’s free add/drop period, only students who completely withdraw from for-credit courses in accordance with the following schedule will receive a refund:

Fall and Spring Academic Terms
1-5 Business day of Term 100 percent refund
6-10 Business day of Term 75 percent refund
11-15 Business day of Term 50 percent refund
16-20 Business day of Term 25 percent refund
After 20 Business day of term 0 percent refund

Summer Sessions and Other Terms at least 3 weeks but less than 10 weeks in length
1-5 Business day of term 100 percent refund
6-10 Business day of term 50 percent refund
After 10 Business day of term 0 percent refund

Class Term Less than 3 weeks in Length

1 Business day of term 100 percent refund
2-3 Business day of term 50 percent refund
After 3 business day of term 00 percent refund

Refunds will first be applied to outstanding charges and any remaining credit balance will then be sent to the student.

The college cannot send refunds to parents or others who may have paid on a student account. Refunds will be issued using the same tender type as the original payment. Refunds for payments made by cash or check are sent through direct deposit if enrolled, or check if not enrolled in direct deposit. If the original payment was made by credit card, whenever possible credit card refunds will be processed to the original card used for payment.

What kind of student fees are there?

Student Activity Fee
The student activity fee is a per credit fee used to support student clubs and on campus activities as defined by MS 136F.01 subd.5. This fee allows students to attend and participate in various events and student activities at no cost.

Technology Fee
The technology fee is a per credit fee that is charged to each student and is used to acquire, maintain, and upgrade the technology that supports student academics and activities. It is also used to provide for other on-campus technology services.

Parking Fee
A per credit fee is assessed for parking lot construction, improvements, maintenance, and parking enforcement pursuant to MS 136F.67.

Minnesota State College Student Association Fee
Each Minnesota State College and University college student association is affiliated with the statewide student association and shall collect a statewide student association fee as authorized by MS 136F.22 and in accordance with board policy. This fee provides membership in the Students are required to pay this fee to support the statewide student association.

Who sets tuition rates and fees?

Tuition, differential tuition and mandatory fee rates are approved by the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Board of Trustees

Tuition and Fee Statements

All tuition and fee statements can be located in e-services and are NOT mailed out. It is your responsibility to check your student account for account updates and new term balances. This can be done by logging into e-services and communications are also sent to your college e-mail.

Registration Cancellation (Drop for Non-Payment)

To stay enrolled in your registered courses one of the following must be met by the end of the fifth business day of the term:

  • Your balance must be paid in full
  • You have established a Nelnet payment plan and are current and active with your payments.
  • You have completed your application for financial aid and it is on file with the college or another Minnesota State College. Check your financial aid status in E-Services to verify this.
  • You have a third-party billing authorization or a scholarship, which covers your costs and supporting documentation is on file with the business office.
  • You have paid at least $300 or 15% down of tuition and fees.
  • You are a veteran registered with the College VA Certifying Official for the current term.
  • You are a PSEO student

Personal Property Charges

Personal property and/or service charges may be attached to specific courses.

Personal property charges shall be for items that become the personal property of a student and have an educational or personal value beyond the classroom. These items may include, but are not limited, to tools, books, and materials retained by the student.

Service charges shall be for services for or on behalf of the student and may include equipment purchases, leases or rental required by a program, special testing, occupational certification, licensure, or assessment, optional testing or other instructional services such as bowling lane rentals, green fees, theatre tickets, etc. Service charges are identified at the time of registration.

Differential Tuition

College and universities may charge tuition by course program when special circumstances exist. These circumstances may include but are not limited to an extraordinary cost of offering the course or academic program (e.g., need for specialized equipment and supplies; accreditation standards; delivery methods, e.g., off site locations, online, clinical experience) or a desire to incent enrollment in a special course or program.

Financial Holds

A business office hold will be placed on an account with a balance of $500 or more. This hold is automatically generated and does not get removed until the account balance is $499 or below. This business office hold restricts registration changes or registration for future semesters.

Collections/Overdue Balances and Collection Holds

Any portion of your tuition, fees, and other charges to your college account that is not covered by financial aid is your responsibility. Tuition and fees are due by the 25th day of the term. Students who have not paid their current semester accounts in full will receive a letter notifying them that if the account is not paid in full within 20 days of the letter, their account will be turned over to the Minnesota Department of Revenue Collections Division.

Per Minnesota Statutes, the college uses the Minnesota Department of Revenue Collection Division to collect overdue accounts. If you account has a collection hold, this means it has been turned over to the Minnesota Department of Revenue Collections Division and you will need to contact them to make payment arrangements. You can reach them at 1.800.657.3666 or 651.556.3000 for more information or if you have questions. The hold will be removed when the account is paid in full.

Third-Party / VA Benefits, Scholarships and Financial Aid Disbursements

Third Party Awards
If you have a third-party that is paying your tuition in full or a portion of your tuition please provide the business office with a copy of the purchase order or other award documentation provided by the third-party. Upon receipt of the documentation authorizing third-party payment the award will be recorded on the student account and the third-party agency will be invoiced by the college. Third-party awards are included in your financial aid package. Examples of organizations / agencies that commonly fund students who attend the college are:

1. Veteran’s Educational Benefits
2. Vocational Rehabilitation Services
3. Workers Compensation

Financial Aid disbursements
Scholarships and Third-Party Awards will be posted on your account after the drop/add period of each term, generally taking place from approximately the 10th to the 14th business day of the term. A schedule for the first disbursement of the term will be published at each campus and on the college/s website. Financial aid cannot be disbursed until after the five day add/drop period. This is because students can still adjust their schedule during this period. Refund are generally processed the day after funds are disbursed. Account balances should be reviewed online through eServices to determine whether there is a balance remaining.

If you receive a scholarship check directly, please endorse the check to the college and forward payment to the business office. The payment will be applied towards the scholarship.

How do I give someone access to pay my bill?

Students can give another person access to pay their bill online by accessing their E-Services account, selecting bills and payment, and selecting give someone access to pay my bill.

  • Access can also be granted to more than one person.
  • Students must provide the name and email address of the proxy bill payer(s) and the system sends the payer an email notice with instructions to activate their access. Students will be copied on the email to the proxy bill payer.
  • The proxy bill payer must activate their access within five days and then access is active for six months.
  • After six months, students can reactivate access.
  • Students can revoke or resent access at any time.
  • The payer will receive the first email notification, a ‘Notice of Access’ email, with instructions for activating access to the student’s bills and payment account. The payer will receive a second email which will have an access code that will be used to log into the student’s account.
  • If the proxy payer’s web address or access code is lost or access has expired the payer must personally contact the student and have the student resent the access. We do not recommend giving a proxy payer your personal student login and password information as that individual would have access to your entire student record.

Releasing Student Information

Student account information can be released to someone other than the student once the college has received signed written permission from the student. This includes but is not limited to the release of information to parents, spouses, relatives, and friends. The Authorization for Release of Information Form can be found on the college’s website.

Setting up Direct Deposit for Work Study and Financial Aid Overage Payments

Students can have their financial aid overages and/or work study pay checks directly deposited into their checking or savings account. Students can set up direct deposit through E-Services. Direct deposit is timely, convenient, and a secure method that transfers funds directly into your bank account, meaning you get your funds much faster.

To set up direct deposit you will need your bank’s routing number and your bank account number. This is NOT the same as a debit card, credit card, or prepaid card number. The account numbers needed to set up direct deposit can be found at the bottom of a personal check or can be obtained from your financial institution.

  • Log into your E-Services account using your StarID and password
  • Select ‘Financial Aid’
  • Select ‘direct Deposit Setup’
  • Select ‘Add Direct Deposit Account’
  • Enter the bank account type, routing number, and account number of the account you would like funds deposited
  • Re-enter your password and select ‘Save
  • If you attempt to change your account number or reactivate an existing expired account the system will require you to first enter your current account number in full. The system will validate this against the account number that is stored in the system and disallow you from proceeding if you cannot provide your current account number.You will only be allowed three attempts to provide the current account number and if you are unable to account will become locked and you will be directed to contact the business office to make the change on your behalf.

Tax Documents (1098-T and W-2)

1098-T can be accessed in E-Services by following these steps

  • Logging into E-Services with your StarID and password
  • Selecting ‘Bills and Payments’
  • Selecting ‘1098-T Tax Form’
  • Additional information can be obtained by accessing the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities website and accessing Student Tax Information 1098-T tuition Statements.

W-2 can be accessed in E-Services by following these steps

  • Logging into E-Services with your StarID and password
  • Selecting ‘Student Employment’
  • Selecting ‘W-2 Tax Form’

Senior Citizen Tuition and Fees

Minnesota Residents that are 62 years of age or older at the beginning of any term, in which a course of study is pursued, or a person receiving and railroad retirement annuity who has reached 60 years of age before the beginning of the term. Per Minnesota State Board Policy 5.11 and Operating Instruction Senior Citizen Charges and Fees, Seniors are assessed a $20 per credit administrative fee plus the following required fees to enroll in ‘for-credit’ courses.

Minnesota Statute 135A.52 allows seniors to enroll in classes when space is available after all tuition-paying students have been accommodated.