Safety & Security
The Rainy River Safety Committee strives to promote a safe and healthy environment for students, employees, and the community.

Rainy River Campus
Campus Safety
Your safety and security is important to us.
Minnesota North College – Rainy River encourages all students and college community members to be fully aware of safety issues on campus and to take action to prevent and to report illegal and inappropriate activities. Each of us has a responsibility for our own personal safety and security. Personal awareness and applying personal safety practices are the foundation of a safe community.
Pursuant to the Student Right to Know and the Campus Security Act enacted in 1990, Rainy River monitors criminal activity, publishes this report, and maintains a three-year statistical history. The college will distribute electronic notification of availability of this report to each current student and employee. It will be posted on the website and available from the Director of Student Services upon written request.
Rainy River currently has a variety of policies and procedures relating to campus security, and it expressly reserves the right to modify them or adopt additional policies or procedures at any time without notice.