Registration & Orientation
Welcome to Minnesota North – Mesabi Range Virginia Campus! We are excited you chose to HEAD NORTH to Virginia, MN. Faculty and staff welcome you to our academic learning community and feel confident by being part of the Minnesota North – Mesabi Range Virginia student body, your future educational goals will be met.

New Student Registration
After you have applied and been accepted, schedule your in-person New Student Registration Appointment here.
- New Student Registration Appointments (all students except PSEO)
- New PSEO Student Registration Appointments
These group sessions are directed by our professional advising staff. You will meet with an advisor who will review your academic plan and help you register for courses. It is important that we have all of your transcripts ahead of time in order to place you appropriately.
If you have questions, contact Carrie Hejda at 218-550-2515 or
Returning Student Registration
Make an appointment (phone, virtual, or in-person) with a counselor/advisor by calling Student Services at 218-550-2500 or schedule online here (scroll down to “Advising Staff by Campus”, click “Mesabi Range – Virginia” and then “Book an Appointment” under your advisor’s name.
Important Links
Below you will find important links to the welcome packet as a new or returning student. Please review each link to find important information to prepare for fall semester.
- Mesabi Range-Virginia Campus Map
- Mesabi Range – Virginia Orientation
- Campus Resources
- Welcome letter from President Mike Raich
- Student Calendar
- FAFSA Tips
- College Store
- Managing your Student Account
- Scholarships
- Student Work-Study Steps
- Technology Guide
- TRIO Student Support Services
If you have questions, contact or (888)-223-8068.