Itasca Campus
Minnesota North College course placement process determines a student’s readiness for reading, writing, and mathematics courses. It is used to assist a student with the selection of appropriate courses to help assure a student’s success. All degree-seeking students are required to satisfy course placement. Course placement can be determined using one or a combination of the following information:
- High school GPA – valid within the last 10 calendar years
- Scores form ACT, SAT, MN Comprehensive Assessment (MCA) – valid within the last 5 calendar years
- Standardized score reports from Advance Placement (AP), College Level Examination Program (CLEP), and International Baccalaureate (IB)
- Completion of college-level coursework from an accredited U.S. college or university
- Accuplacer test scores
- Self-Guided Placement – if you don’t have valid high school GPA or other score reports mentioned above
The College Board Placement Test, Accuplacer, assesses skill levels in English composition, mathematics and reading. Test results are used to help determine the appropriate course placement. Placement tests are offered on a regular basis throughout the year and the first set of tests are free.
If you want to take the placement test at Itasca, please review the Placement Test Schedule and make an appointment online. If you have a disability or a temporary disabling condition that will prevent you from taking the tests under standard conditions, please contact Disability Services at 218-322-2433 V/TTY.
You may wish to prepare for the placement test by reviewing the following sample questions and study materials:
- Accuplacer Study App (Free)
- Student Review Materials (This site is not endorsed by ICC or the Accuplacer College Board. However, students have found this review helpful in preparing for the placement tests.)
- Accuplacer Sample Test Questions
- Math Practice Exams with Video Solutions (developed by ARCC Math Dept.)
Placement results do not determine admission to Itasca, however they do determine course placement. If your scores indicate pre-college level placements you must enroll and complete the required courses with a C- or higher before you can continue to the next course in the sequence i.e. English 91 – Fundamentals of Written English to English 1101 – Composition I. If your scores are below the lowest level of developmental coursework, you may be referred to Adult Basic Education (ABE) .
You are expected to complete all courses numbered below 1000 prior to the completion of 30 credits.
If you are not satisfied with your placement results, you may retest once per subject area. A $10 retest fee will be charged. Retest options apply only to initial course placements. Once you have begun any course in English composition or math, you may not use the retest option to attempt to change your placement. To appeal initial course placement, contact a counselor or advisor.
Course refunds may not be issued for inappropriate registration.
External Studies
The Testing Center provides proctoring services for students who are in external study programs. There is a $10 proctor fee per test for non-Minnesota State testers. Persons wishing to schedule a test may contact Elizabeth Gillman at 218-322-2390.
ACT Testing
Itasca is an official site for ACT testing. ACT tests take place on various Saturdays throughout the academic year. To register for the test, contact ACT directly at www.act.org.
Students must register online at www.atitesting.com. You must create an ATI student account where you will be prompted to pay for and schedule a date for your exam. (NOTE: The testing fee has increased to $71.00). Be sure to write down your login credentials and bring them with you on test day. The TEAS test measures your knowledge and skills in the areas of science, math, language and reading. Study materials are available online from ATI Testing. For additional questions, contact Elizabeth Gillman 218-322-2390.
Make Up Testing
Students who need to make up a test can do so during regular Testing Center hours. It is the student’s responsibility to contact their instructor and have the test sent down to the Testing Center. There are sign up sheets outside the Testing Center door for students who are interested in taking a test.
Testing Center Hours
Monday & Thursday: 12:30 pm – 3:30 pm
Contact Information: Elizabeth Gillman 218-322-2390
Please call or stop in to make an appointment. Walk-in testing is not always available.
Please note that summer testing is limited – contact Elizabeth Gillman directly to inquire about testing options.