Safety & Security
The Hibbing Campus places the safety and security of students, faculty and staff, and visitors as its highest priority. Historically, Hibbing has been a very safe campus with few major incidents; however, a safe environment is only maintained through the cooperation of all campus community members. All individuals must assume responsibility for their own personal safety and security of their personal belongings by taking common sense precautions. This information is intended to provide guidelines for fostering a safe environment for everybody.

Hibbing Campus
Campus Access
Your safety and security is important to us.
Minnesota North College – Hibbing is a public institution with an open-access campus. The public spaces and grounds of Hibbing are open to the public during college business hours. Building entrance doors are opened on a varying schedule depending on-campus activities. At night and during the times the campus is officially closed, the buildings are locked and accessible by only authorized faculty and staff. Hibbing Cardinal Hall (residential on-campus apartments) is locked and accessible to residents using a Hibbing Campus-issued swipe card.
Campus Security
The Hibbing Campus supports and educates students and staff in areas of personal safety and provides assistance in situations of need. Hibbing security is built on a foundation of proactive service and crime prevention.
The Hibbing Campus works closely with the Hibbing Fire Department (HFD), Hibbing Police Department (HPD), HCC law enforcement program, and the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Safety division to provide security training and crime prevention. Hibbing Law Enforcement cadets monitor the buildings and grounds during certain campus events.
Hibbing Maintenance (218-969-3019 & 218-969-6019) is available to escort individuals to classrooms, vehicles, etc. during open campus hours.
The HPD and HFD rapidly respond to security emergencies.
Behavioral Intervention Team (BIT) & Campus Security Authorities (CSA)
The Hibbing BIT team meets regularly to discuss incidents concerning student behaviors and addresses these concerns by recommending appropriate actions and interventions. The team also recommends preventative steps the college can take to proactively address common behavioral issues. Hibbing has designated CSA’s who are individuals trained to report crimes as defined by the Clery Act.
Safety Committee
The Hibbing Safety committee meets regularly to review safety issues and recommend solutions to safety concerns. The entire campus community is invited to provide safety recommendations or express safety concerns to the committee. A Hibbing employee is designated as the safety coordinator and is the go-to person if people have safety concerns on a day-to-day basis. Safety Coordinator contact information: (218) 262-6705).
To report criminal activity
- Always protect yourself first.
- Call 911 and/or Call Hibbing Administration 218-966-0745 or 218-969-8342 or 218-969-9688
- State the emergency, Give address (1515 E 25th St., Hibbing, MN 55746), Give exact location of emergency.
Campus Security Report
For the official Campus Security Report click here or you can visit the Department of Postsecondary Education website:
Automatic External Defibrillators
We encourage you to take a minute to read and note the locations of the AEDs (Automatic External Defibrillators) on campus. YOU could save a life by just knowing where an AED is located on the Hibbing Campus and being able to retrieve one to assist with a person needing assistance with a cardiac arrest!
Building C – Commons area – outside the doors entering the Fine Dining area.
Building F – Lower Theater area – across from the Theater entrance by the window facing the courtyard.
Building PE – Lower area – next to drinking fountains outside the weight room.
For more information on the use of an AED, please view this American Red Cross video.
More Information
Safety & Security
Learn more about Minnesota North College’s safety and security procedure.