Fall 2025 Registration is Now Open.

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Tuition & Costs

We’re always trying to make college more affordable to our students. Here you’ll find tuition costs and fees for attending Minnesota North College. Please use these estimated costs for tuition and fees listed below to assist you in your financial decisions. For more information about Tuition Reciprocity with Wisconsin, North Dakota, and Manitoba, Canada.

2024-2025 Tuition and Fees

Prices Listed Per CreditResidentResident OnlineNon-ResidentNon-Resident Online
Technology Fee**$11.00$11.00$11.00$11.00
Student Life/Activity Fee**
(Maximum $174.00/semester)
*Does not reflect the tuition rate of courses with differential tuition rates. See Differential Tuition rates [below].
**Does not include personal property charges and service charges.

2024-2025 Differential Tuition Rates

Colleges and universities may charge tuition by course or program when special circumstances exist. These circumstances may include but are not limited to an extraordinary cost of offering the course or academic program (e.g., need for specialized equipment and supplies; accreditation standards; delivery methods, e.g., off site locations, online, clinical experience) or a desire to incent enrollment in a specific course or program. Differential course and program tuition rates are reviewed by system office personnel for compliance with procedure and approved by the board as part of the operating budget process.

Program/CourseRate Per CreditProgram/CourseRate Per Credit
Culinary Arts (H)$191.00Paramedic (M)$192.00
Automotive Technician (H)$218.00Medical Laboratory Technician (H)$191.00
Diesel Mechanics / Heavy Equipment Maintenance (H)$218.00Nursing Assistant/Home Health Aid (H) / Nursing Assistant (I R) / Certified Nursing Assistant (Off-Campus) (M)$197.77
Electrical Maintenance and Construction (H)$192.00Nursing (H) / Practical Nursing (I)(M)$220.00
Welding [AWS Certification] (M)$189.00Dental Assistant (H)$191.00
IMT Millwright (M)$184.00Veterinary Assistant / Technician (V)$235.00
Law Enforcement (H)$215.00EMSV 1275 – Wilderness First Responder (V)$306.00
Law Enforcement Skills-On Campus (H)$286.00EMSV 1761 – Technical Rescue I (V)$390.00
Law Enforcement Skills: Off Campus – Mankato (H)$305.00EMSV 1762 – Technical Rescue II (V)$390.00
Park Ranger Law Enforcement Academy (V)$397.00EMSV 1400 – Emergency Medical Responder (EMR) (V)$306.00
Natural Resources (I)(V)$188.20EMSV 1490 – EMT Bridge (V)$239.00
Microcomputer Technician (ITNS) (H)$191.00Heating and Cooling Technician (H)$192.00
Graphic Arts (M)$188.00
Note: Differential tuition rates apply to all resident, reciprocity, and non-resident/non-reciprocity students.

Senior Citizen Rate

Senior Citizen Rate (62+ years old)

Type of FeePer Credit
Administrative Fee$20.00
Technology Fee$11.00
Student Life Fee$0.00
Parking Fee$2.25
MSCSA Fee$0.61
Note: A senior citizen enrolled under Minnesota Statute 135A.51 must pay any materials, personal property, or service charges for the course. 

For additional information on Senior Citizen Charges and Fees, please see Minnesota State Colleges and Universities Guideline – Senior Citizen Charges and Fees.

To apply for the senior citizen rate, please complete a general petition and return it with documentation of your age to your home campus.

2024-2025 Cost of Attendance

Two Semester Cost of Attendance

Direct Costs
Tuition & Fees*$6,023.00
Total Direct Costs$6,683.00
Estimated Indirect Costs
Food and Housing$8,066.00
Miscellaneous Expenses***$2,525.00
Average Student Loan Cost$35.00
Budget Total$19,405.00
Based on 15 credits (MN State Grant full-time status) per term at $200.48 per credit; includes fees.

All budget items shown are for nine months and full-time attendance (15+ credits per term). Students attending less than full-time are eligible for financial aid, however, budget, expected family contribution, and maximum awards may be adjusted proportionately for less than full-time attendance.

The Room & Board, Transportation and Personal/Miscellaneous figures are based on the DEED’s low living expense budget figures (documentation available at the Financial Aid and Scholarships Office).

All students and/or their families are expected to contribute to the cost of their education. These contributions are determined through the needs analysis process.

*Fees based on an $11.00 technology fee, $.61 student association fee, a $2.25 parking fee, & a $7.75 student life fee (per credit).
**Allowance for gas, oil, parking, bus fare and general upkeep of vehicle; does not include car payments, insurance, repairs, flights for out of state residence, etc.

***Includes clothing, laundry/dry-cleaning, personal care, recreation, average student loan costs, etc.