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Assessment Details

Course Learning Outcomes Assessment

Faculty complete one course assessment form each semester to analyze an assessment method in a course, create an action plan, and request resources. Use the link below, and login with your Star ID and password to access the form.

· Course Assessment Form

Program Learning Outcomes Assessment

Program level assessment is completed at duty days, where faculty have scheduled time to meet with their department colleagues to discuss academic profiles of their department or program, degree pathway, and the college. Data will also be assessed on student achievement of College Learning Outcomes and Minnesota Transfer Curriculum goal areas.

· Program and Department Assessment Form

College Learning Outcomes Assessment

The Multi-Attribute Assessment and Tracking (MAAsT) system was created by linking all Course Learning Outcomes to College Learning Outcomes. Those links are weighted with additional attributes such as course enrollment, number of sections, and delivery method to create college and program profiles, which allow continuous tracking of achievement for any institutional unit.

If Course Learning Outcomes are changed and approved by AASC, faculty are asked to update their course in MAAsT by completing the following form:

· Course and College Learning Outcome Links

Co-Curricular Learning Outcomes Assessment

Co-Curricular Definition
Learning activities, programming, and experiences outside the classroom that align to the College Learning Outcomes and enhance student engagement, development, and success.

The following forms are to be used at all Co-Curricular activities, providing employees with data to assess student learning and providing students with an opportunity to give feedback.