On-Campus Tutoring
The Academic Success Center provides free tutoring to Rainy River students in most liberal arts courses and selected career courses. Peer tutors, recommended by faculty and staff and trained in the Academic Success Center, are available to help students by appointment or on a first come, first served walk-in basis.
Online Tutoring
Tutor.com is Rainy River’s online tutoring provider with a link on your D2L Brightspace homepage. Academic Success Center staff can help you become familiar with this great free service.
Student Support and Resources
One Phone Number = Many People Ready to Help: Students can call 1-844-456-3876 for direct support. Students will receive immediate assistance or be guided through the process to submit a ticket for more complex issues.
Information about areas of assistance and extended hours can be found at the Student Academic Continuity site: https://asanewsletter.org/academic-continuity-students/ and noted below:
Areas of Assistance
Star ID, D2L Brightspace, Kaltura MediaSpace, Kaltura MediaSpace, and Zoom
Days and Hours of Operation
Monday – Thursday: 7:00am to Midnight
Friday: 7:00am to 8:00pm
Sunday: 11:00am to 10pm
Academic Success Center
Student Service Building
Room SS128
Monday – Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm